Be a Host

Two worlds are uniting this summer
– France and the USA –
as French students and American families
will join together as one family unit.

Why will they do this?

The reason lies in the hearts of people around the world, people who are looking for international cooperation – PEOPLE LIKE YOU! They want to contribute to the world community development in a very special and vital way.

LEC, a French organization to further educational opportunities, would like to invite families to join with us in an exciting cross-cultural endeavor. It is families like you, through your kindness and hospitality, that help the young people of France discover the great American spirit from the “inside”, in the most fundamental unit of society: the family. In turn,  your family will learn about the French culture and its people, obtain a friend in France to visit, and stimulate the learning of a foreign language. We hope that the friendship sparked between your family and our French student will be kindled into a lasting, lifetime relationship.

Your hosting contribution will help us all to come one step closer to international friendship and world peace by widening viewpoints and fighting preconceptions.

To find out how you can contribute to a young person’s growth and development or to Host a LEC student
click on National Coordinator USA for your closest LEC representative.

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